Bài tập về giới từ chỉ thời gian 'at/ in/on' lớp 6 có đáp án

Trong tiếng anh, giới từ là phần kiến thức cơ bản nhưng cũng rất quan trọng. Bài viết dưới đây sẽ giúp các bạn nắm rõ hơn kiến thức về các giới từ "at, in,on" và bên dưới là một số bài tập áp dụng.

+Địa điểm , thành phố , quốc gia, khu vực mang tính bạo quát lớn.
Vd: in Ha Noi, in Vietnam…
+Thời gian: đi với các mùa, tháng, năm, thời điểm trong ngày
Vd: in the morning, in summer, in July
+Địa điểm cụ thể hơn
Vd: on Ho Chi Minh street, on a bus…
+Thời gian: thứ trong tuần, ngày trong tháng, các ngày lễ có chứa từ "day"
Vd: on October 24th, on Christmas day
+Địa điểm chính xác , cụ thể
Vd: at home, at 12 Tran Hung Dao street…
+Thời gian: giờ chính xác, các dịp lễ không chứa từ "day"
Vd: at noon, at night, at 7.00 am, at Christmas

Bài tập: Hoàn thành các câu sau, sử dụng một trong các giới từ "at, in,on"

1.I love to go swimming____ the beach____summer.
2. What time do your children go to bed ___ night?
3. My birthday is next week, ____ October 26th.
4. The Beatles was a popular music band ___the 1960s.
5. Most stores and businesses are closed ____ New year's day.
6. I am used to getting up early ___the morning.
7. My first class ___ school begins ___ 7.30 o'clock.
8. We have an appointment to see a doctor ____ Tuesday.
9. My mother will give me a special gift____ my birthday.
10. Is there anything interesting ___TV right now?
11. My family used to live ____ the country, but then we moved to the city.
12. There are three pencils ____ the table
13. Elephants are the largest land animals___ the world.
14. We're going to have a picnic ____ Saturday afternoon.
15. There will be a festival ___ our village ___ October.
16. ___ Canada, it always snows ___winter.
17. Do you always eat lunch ____ noon?
18. My sister is doing her homework ___ the moment.
19. My kids thought they heard santa Claus ___ Christmas day ___ midnight.
20. Call me ___ 5 o'clock ____ Thursday.
21. My friends often go to the cinema ___ weekend.
22. We eat sandwiches ___ lunchtime.
23. I like watching TV ___ night before going to bed.
24. The party will be ___ Saturday, December 15th.
25. Can you see a woman ___ the picture?
26. London is ___ the River Thames.
27. He put the money___ the box.
28. Why do you wear that ring ___ your first finger?
29. The headquarters of the United Nation is ___ new York.
30. I usually buy a newspaper ____ my way to walk.
31. It is dangerous to play football ___ the street.
32. Can you meet me ___ 71 Le loi street this afternoon?
33. I'll meet you ___ the corner big the street ___ 10 o'clock.
34. Do you want sugar ___ your coffee?
35. The farmers are ___ work ___ the field ___ present.
36. She learned russian ___ the age of 45.
37. We can go to the market ___ foot.
38. ___ the end of next year, we will move to Paris.
39. He started learning English ___ 2005.
40. How many members are ___ your team?
41. The TV is ___ the corner of the room.
42. We'll have dinner ___ a restaurant.
43. We arrived just ___ time to see the pop star.
44. He always goes to work ___ time.
45. Who is that girl over there ___ the white dress?
46. Halloween is celebrated ___ the USA ___ October 1st.
47. My sister has a beautiful apartment. She lives ___ the third floor.
48. I'll wait for you ___ the bus stop.
49. The milk is ___ the refrigerator, next to the orange juice.
50. We arrived ___ the airport ___ time for the plane.

Đáp án
2. at
3. on
4. in
5. on
6. In
7. at- at
8. on
9. on
10. on
11. in
12. on
13. in
14. on
15. in - in
16. In- in
17. at
18. at
19. on- at
20. at- on
21. on
22. at
23. at
24. on
25. in
26. on
27. in
28. on
29. in
30. on
31. in
32. at
33. at
At the corner: phạm vi lớn, thường là bên ngoài, ngoài trời
In the corner: phạm vi nhỏ, thường là góc nhà, góc hộp
34. in
35. at- in- at
36. at
37. on
38. At
39. in
40. on
41. in
42. in
43. in
In time: vừa kịp lúc
On time: đúng giờ
44. on
45. in
46. in-on
47. on
48. at
49. in
50. at- in

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    bai tap tieng anh lop 6 giới từ chỉ thời gian
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